A passion for Research, Code, Data and more
For the past 8+ years I have worked in UX, SEO, Data Analytics, Data Engineering, Data Research, Marketing, Design and Development. Below are some skills I have acquired through work experience, and interest.
I am proficient in HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Wordpress, Tableau, D3, Leaflet, MapBox, Excel, Visual Basic, Hadoop, SQL, MongoDB, Python, Pandas, R, Spark, TensorFlow, AWS, Selenium, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, Web Scrapping, MATLAB, NLP and More! All for use in building apps and websites for Data collection (such as Web scrapping), Database Engineering, working with unstructured data, Data analysis, Visualized Data, dashboards and Machine Learning Algorithms.
Experience utilizing Quantitative and Qualitative testing techniques such as Multivariate testing, Heat maps, interviews, Data mining and pixel tracking. I am very interested in the Science behind Why people do the things they do through User Research and Data analysis to inform Design, Architecture, Digital Marketing, Content, Brand Strategy and a general personal curiousity.
Real world work experience using GIT, Heroku, HTML, CSS, Flask, Python, R, C, JAVA, Javascript, REACT, ANGULAR, TENSOR FLOW, Various APIs, Microcontrollers, Sensors, chips, general Electronics and much more for the creation of software, hardware , websites and general automation.
Masterful expertise in the full ADOBE Creative Cloud suite such as PHOTOSHOP (editing of images), ILLUSTRATOR (Graphic Design), PREMIERE (Video editing), and AFTER EFFECTS (Motion Graphics). Expertise in creating Conceptual Products and User Flows in Sketch or Invision for live prototyping.
From Tableau to Hubspot, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, SQL, ETC... I use the latest techniques in ETL, SQL, datamodeling, Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis, Various Trackers, Data mining and Sentiment analysis, to understand users, to promote business Growth, Sales, Strategy, increase social media presence, increase SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and to make sure Brands stay on Brand, while reaching their goals.
I like to Read/learn/talk about Futurism, AI and Singularity. I make Conceptual Art using code, handmade circuits, sensors, IC chips and microcontrollers. I invent weird devices. I Am a Photographer. I am a Videographer. I am a Musician and play multiple instruments. I have skateboarded most of my life. I like Basketball